when I sat down and mused on God's goodness and how it is incalculable, I didn't know.
What didn't I know?
I didn't know Shane and Oleg had a family claiming them for their own.
I didn't know it would only be a short time before they got to go home. I didn't know the prayers of my husband's heart contained a small plea that they would have a family by Christmas.
I didn't know that my plea, that they be kept out of the institution they were heading for, was already being fulfilled.
The Patterson Family currently has 10 children, but soon they’ll have 12! They adopted Chrissie, one of Reece’s Rainbow’s “other angels”, from Serbia in 2009. On May 19, 2010, Chrissie went to live with Jesus following complications from open-heart surgery. In the summer of 2011, the Pattersons hosted two Ukrainian boys in their home for 5 weeks, and they pursued adopting both boys after God confirmed for everyone that this was His will. Well, God had a big twist in those plans, all intricately laid out by the Author of life, and while in Ukraine in December 2011 to adopt their host boys, God closed the door on adopting their host boys and opened it to adopt Oleg and Shane! It’s a crazy story that could only be written by God.
My Papa is like that though. Before the cry is entered in my heart, registered in my brain, become a plea on my lips, He has heard, He has decided, He has orchestrated.
And the idea that He is a good Papa becomes cemented even more completely in my mind, in my heart. The reality of this truth hardens into a granite monument that is transformed into a living and breathing faith that knows His goodness, His faithfulness...right now, right here, in the land of the living.
I invite you to come read more about this beautiful work here:
Papa, thank you for your light breaking through and shining in this dark world...in our dark, selfish hearts.
Thank You for coming here to this terrestrial ball to hallow and save little, finite beings that You love infinitely.
Thank You for saving Shane & Oleg.
My heart pounds with passion for You.